Please email if you have any questions!
**A complimentary recording of our Zoom call will be provided after each session for you to refer back to**
Explore Your Birth Chart Reading
1 -2 Hrs $60-$120
During this reading we will identify your unique energy signature – personality traits, emotional process, communication style, love language and strengths & weaknesses. Exploring our birth chart is a lifelong study, so during these sessions I will do my best to provide as much knowledge and information to help you along your journey of self study. I highly recommend multiple sessions where we target different themes in life in order to give a sufficient amount of time per category.
Current Transits Reading
1-2 Hrs $60-$120
This is not your newspapers Sun Sign horoscope 😄 During this reading we will discuss how the current transiting planets are effecting your personal birth chart! Whether there is an upcoming New Moon (time of new beginnings, planting seeds of intention), Full Moon (time of endings, releasing what no longer serves our highest good) or you’re wanting to better understand your current life path, this is a great way to take a step back, observe and aid in planning steps forward.
Synastry Reading
2 Hrs – $120
Synastry is the art of comparing two individuals unique birth charts. During this reading we will compare your birth chart with a loved ones to see how each effect each other. This is an incredible tool for gaining an understanding of your loved ones unique energy signatures. This deepens and strengthens bonds through understanding, empathy, and acceptance. Synastry helps champion strengths within the relationship as well as unveil blind spots that may cause tension and/or misunderstanding and conflict. You will need correct birth chart information (birth date, time of birth and location of birth) for the loved one in question. It is highly recommended to receive an individual birth chart reading BEFORE receiving a synastry reading. It is imperative that we are actively gaining an understanding of our own personal energies before we begin studying others. I highly recommend this for parents wanting to better understand their children, partners/spouses wanting to better understand their lover, and business partners.
Your Personal Love Language Reading
1 -2 Hrs $60-$120
In this reading we will identify and discuss your unique love language(s)! Understanding this about yourself sets a solid foundation when looking for, going into a, or whilst building an existing relationship. We will discuss past relationships, themes and patterns within them and remedies for common complications you may experience. This is a beautiful method to validate and embrace your true needs and desires, which then allows you to communicate them clearly, thus promoting authentic connections.
Discover Your Greatness Reading
1-2 Hrs – $60-$120
Do you know what drives and motivates you to reach your goals? Is it healthy competition or meeting challenges? Is it the love of your family? Your friends celebrating your wins? Is it gaining knowledge in solitude? Maybe grounding yourself in nature? Expressing yourself in different forms of art? No two people are the same. Thats why exploring our birth charts can help reveal things like hidden talents, while also gaining a deeper understanding of our inner workings, which then helps us paint a clearer picture of the path we’d like to be on.
In this reading we will discuss your planetary energies and aspects in your birth chart, focusing on the subject of what motives you, helps you focus, your talents/skillsets as well as where you gain energy and momentum.